food safety

News and Trends

Food Safety in the Era of Covid-19: Here's How Brands Are Ensuring Safe Meals

Food safety and hygiene have been taking precedence as we come to terms with the ongoing pandemic which has wreaked havoc across the world

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Blockchain Could Make Our Food Supply Much Safer

Blockchain can make food shipping faster and pinpoint contaminated food before it is sold.

News and Trends

The Growing Demand for Primary Health Care In India

Primary healthcare refers to the first level of contact between individuals and families with the health system


Gobbling Down The Meaty Pie

In the unorganized set up of the industry, dominated by local market mom-and-pop butcher shops and traders, quality is never an issue.


Chipotle's Rewards Program Is so Flawed They Don't Know Who Is Eating Their Free Burritos

You can't just throw free burritos at the problem, Chipotle. The reactive marketing plan is too little, too late.

Business News

Chipotle Hires Former Critic to Help Improve Food Safety

David Acheson, a former official at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was brought on as an adviser.

Business News

Chipotle's CEOs Take Massive Paycut Due to E. Coli Crisis

They still received nearly $14 million each.

Business News

FDA Investigating Video of Man Peeing on Assembly Line at Kellogg Factory

But don't worry, barely any of the food was affected, company spokesperson says.

Business News

Chipotle Shuts Down Massachusetts Store After Workers Fall Ill

The restaurant in the town of Billerica, outside Boston, was closed for a full cleaning, a company spokesman said.

Business News

Chipotle to Close All Stores for One Day in February

The company's sales plunged 30 percent in December, following at least six outbreaks tied to Chipotle in the last year, including norovirus, E. coli and salmonella.

Business News

Chipotle Cooks Up New, Stricter Food Safety Rules Amid E. Coli Fiasco

A dash of DNA testing here and a sprinkle of scalded onions there, and Chipotle just might save face yet.