Foster transparency to build your customer base
How Brands Can Embrace Authenticity in a World Craving Transparency
People are craving something real. For brands, this means being authentic and trustworthy is more important than ever before.
#5 Common Assumptions Made About Businesses
Even after making profits, it often takes months or even years to pay off the initial investments
5 Things Companies Aren't Being Honest About in the Hiring Process. Do Any Sound Familiar?
Why it's important to be up-front with job candidates about what they'll be getting into: the good, the bad and the ugly.
Why is it Necessary to Design Start-ups for Buyouts
A realistic goal would be to build certain scale for the company, where a bigger company would be interested in buying it
Why You Need to Integrate Transparency Into Your Culture
The point is, some companies are failing to communicate their values from the top down.