Social Media

How Social Media is Draining Your Wallet and Mental Health: Indian Entrepreneur's Candid TEDx Talk Offers Solutions

Through social media, we are constantly exposed to images of luxury, success, and the 'perfect life.' These images, fuelled by algorithms, can trigger compulsive buying habits.

Thought Leaders

Is Giving a TEDx Talk Really Worth It? Answer These 3 Questions First.

Giving a TEDx Talk is more than a passion project; it's a big investment. Here's how to think about returns.

Thought Leaders

Here's How to Apply to Give a TEDx Talk

Most people want to give a TEDx talk but have no idea how hard it is to refine an idea to get it accepted and to advance through the formal process.


Aquí se explica cómo postularse para dar una charla TEDx

La mayoría de la gente quiere dar una charla TEDx pero no tiene idea de lo difícil que es refinar una idea para que sea aceptada y avanzar a través del proceso formal.


5 Creative Ways to Get Exposure for Your TEDx Talk

The big day has come: You've been selected to give a TEDx talk. You've worked on it for weeks. Now, how do you ensure someone actually views it?


9 Things I Learned From TEDx Presentations

From the secret to happiness to the key phrase for solving problems (spoiler alert: 'not yet'), these talks are gold mines of insight.

Thought Leaders

Dan Price's Ex-Wife Stands By Domestic-Abuse Allegations in Latest Blog Post

A TEDx talk containing allegations that Kristie Colón had been abused at Price's hand was deleted by the University of Kentucky last month.


La ex esposa de Dan Price defiende las acusaciones de abuso doméstico en la última publicación del blog

Una charla TEDx que contenía acusaciones de que Kristie Colón había sido abusada por Price fue eliminada por la Universidad de Kentucky el mes pasado.

Thought Leaders

Meet the New 'TEDx' of Social Action

TOM, which focuses on assistive technology, takes its theme from the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam, meaning 'repair the world.'