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7 Steps to Hiring the Perfect Mobile App Developer Finding someone who understands your vision and knows how to execute it is not easy. Here are seven ways to be sure you're choosing the right person.

By Rahul Varshneya Edited by Dan Bova

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Finding an app developer isn't that tough these days, it's finding just the right one for your business that can be tricky.

As someone who has built an app development company and worked with clients across industries on their apps, I can tell you that finding the right partner is more important than saving a few hundred or thousand dollars in building your product. The right partner can add value in more ways than just development, which will help you maximize revenues for your app business.

Let's get started with what you should look for in an app developer to make the right decision for your app business.

1. Look for a developer interested in your business, not just the development. A good development company should be able to not only guide you through the process of development, but also give you creative input based on their experience with similar apps.The good ones know what works and what doesn't on the app store because they've worked with many clients.

2. Assess their portfolio. A good developer must also have excellent U/UX skills. When looking at their portfolio, keep an eye out for beautiful looking apps with excellent user interfaces. Sixty percent of your application is about how a user interacts with it.

3. Check client references. Look for developers who will readily extend client contact information so that you can get real feedback on their company.

4. Choose someone you can build a relationship with. Mobile app development is not a one-time activity. Apps have to go through many evolutions and cycles based on constant user feedback. Look for a developer who will stick with you through the lifecycle of the product and not abandon ship once the initial development is done and the app is hosted.

5. Don't let price drive you. Do not, and I repeat, do not select a development partner based on a price quote. You need a great product, not the cheapest product.

Every startup or entrepreneur has a budget. But often the lowest cost option can turn out to be more expensive in the long run, if, say, for example, it's necessary to redo the app with another developer because it didn't turn out as expected.

6. Think of the whole package, not just the coding. Building an app is not just about coding. It's also about creating a functional design and thinking about the user experience. Do not select an independent developer unless you already have access to a team who will perform the rest of the functions such as design, usability and testing.

7. Make design a top priority. How a website or an app looks is as important as how it works. Go a step further and look at partners who can add value to the usability aspect of your website or mobile app, which will define how users interact with your product.

Focus on the right aspects of your business and you'll have a better shot at choosing the right app developer. It's an important decision. The realization of your vision is often in your developer's hands. Choose wisely.

Rahul Varshneya

Co-founder at Arkenea

Rahul Varshneya is the co-founder of Arkenea, an award-winning web and mobile app development agency.

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