Aimee Tariq: Page 6

Founder and CEO of A Life With Health

Aimee Tariq is most passionate about empowering professionals to live their best lives by removing toxic triggers and maximizing energy, focus and productivity. At the age of 23 she became a no. 1 bestselling author for health optimization.

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Social Media

5 Hyper-Efficient Ways Brands Can Engage Daily on Instagram In 5 Minutes (or Less)

One survey said 72 percent of teens use Instagram. That's a ready-made audience you need to consider.

Social Media

5 Smart Ways to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business in 2019

Confused about whether to go with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram? A video? A blog? Here are suggested strategies on how to cull that list.

Data & Recovery

What These SEO Experts Want You to Know About Being Seen As the 'Top Choice' For Your Service

First step from an SEO expert: Target the suburbs or surrounding areas -- not just the cities -- where people are living and searching from.


NLP: What It Is and How Female Entrepreneurs Can Use It to Erase Self-Doubt and Other Obstacles

It's called neuro-linguistic programming and it can help you 'reframe' the mental barriers that keep you down.


5 Psychological Hacks Smart Negotiators Use to Boost Their Chances for a Pay Raise

Just be careful about issuing an ultimatum: Your employer may take you up on it.

Growing a Business

Trust (Not Sales Ability) Is of Massive Importance for Landing Coaching Clients. Here's Why.

Honesty is what clarifies your unique value proposition; and no amount of 'selling' will have equal weight.