Amanda Breen: Page 10

Entrepreneur Staff
Senior Features Writer

Amanda Breen is a senior features writer at She is a graduate of Barnard College and received an MFA in writing at Columbia University, where she was a news fellow for the School of the Arts.

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These Are the Most — and Least — On-Time Airlines of 2023, According to a New Report

In July 2023, ticket-selling airlines reported an on-time arrival rate of 69.6%.

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3 secretos para comenzar un trabajo paralelo de alto ingreso en 2024, según personas cuyos negocios ya generan más de $20,000 dólares al mes

Los trabajos paralelos pueden ser una fuente significativa de ingresos suplementarios, especialmente si se basan en tus intereses o habilidades.

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A Travel Hack Beloved By Airline Passengers Nationwide Is On Its Way Out

The traditional "mileage run" may become obsolete as airlines pivot toward rewarding spending over miles flown.

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'Free Returns' Policies Are Coming to an End — Replaced By This Other Approach That Could Divide Consumers

Major retailers are getting creative to mitigate profit losses.