Andrew Medal: Page 8

Entrepreneur & Angel Investor

Andrew Medal is the founder of The Paper Chase, which is a bi-weekly newsletter. He is an entrepreneur and angel investor.

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Latest: Page 8

Science & Technology

Is AI Really the Future of User Interface?

Some experts think AI's biggest impact will be in the much more sophisticated way we interface with our computers in the future.

Growing a Business

Here's How to Sell Your Business for $100 Million-Plus

Andrew Medal chats with friend Wayne Chang about how he sold his latest company to Twitter for more than $100 million.

Business News

What Your Startup Needs To Know About Launching an ICO

Sure, you could fund-raise via VCs and angel investors. But how about an initial coin offering, instead, a strategy that is new and super-cool?

Science & Technology

Why Google May Not Always Be King of the Mountain

These three reasons show why search is ripe for disruption -- and rich with opportunity.


5 Reasons Personal Branding is Non-Negotiable for 2018

Personal banding is content you can control. So, get out there and control it.


Today's Shortage in Code Development Presents Entrepreneurs With a Massive Opportunity

Need to release an app, and soon? Can't afford those pricey contractors? How about reducing the amount of code (and three other tips)?