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Business News

Is Fastenal Setting Up a Furious Flag Breakout?

The stock of industrial and construction supplies wholesaler Fastenal (NASDAQ: FAST) may set up a weekly bull flag breakout. The business of selling

Business News

Which Gold Stocks Can Help You Hedge Bank Exposure?

The fallout from the Silicon Valley Bank implosion and the subsequent contagion fears spread throughout the banking sector. Nearly all bank stocks

Business News

Risk-Free Money Market vs. Bank Dividend Stock, Which is Better?

Banks stocks have been making headlines due to the collapse of the nation's 16th largest bank, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. Notably, the

Business News

Is Fifth Third Bancorp a Stalwart Among Regional Banks?

The Silicon Valley Bank disaster has spread contagion fears throughout the regional banking industry. Regional bank Fifth Third Bancorp (NASDAQ: FITB) stock has

Business News

Monoclonal Antibodies? Avid Bioservices surges 32% on Blowout Q3

Avid Bioservices Inc. (NASDAQ: CDMO) is a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) that specializes in producing monoclonal antibodies,

Business News

Margin Compression. What's it Mean for Your Retail Stocks?

By now you've probably heard the term "margin compression" numerous times in the news and headlines. It's an all too familiar term echoed by retailers