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Business News

Am I Broke: According to This Study, YES

From the 17th century, the term broke referred to being without money. More specifically, the word derives from the old sense of impoverished, which signifies helplessness, shame, or embarrassment. People...

Business News

The Importance of Diversifying Your Retirement Portfolio

I'm sure that you've heard the old saying, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Basically, it means don’t keep all your valuables in one place. In the event...

Business News

Best Financial Books for Beginners

Want to manage your money better and wiser? Well, you can start by reading financial books for beginners that are designed to help you improve the financial outlook in your...

Business News

20 Real Ways to Make Money From Home For Free

You are probably concerned about your bank account balances these days. This is especially true if you are living paycheck to paycheck — which according to a 2022 Lending Club...

Business News

Retirement Planning for Couples: Joint or Individual Approaches

No matter how long you have been married or how many anniversaries you’ve celebrated, you’re sure to know that you’re stronger together than you are apart. Retirement savings are no...

Business News

15 Cheap St. Patrick's Day Party Ideas on a Budget

For over 1,000 years, the Irish have celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in honor of Ireland’s patron saint. Historically, Saint Patrick used the Shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to the...