Jonathan Blum: Page 9

Jonathan Blum is a freelance writer and the principal of Blumsday LLC, a Web-based content company specializing in technology news.

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Latest: Page 9

Business News

A Closer Look at Browser-Based Microsoft 365

Our reviewer has spent quality time with the new cloud-based suite of tools. Here's what his test drive turned up.

Science & Technology

Goodbye Geeks, Hello Crowd-Sourced Tech Help

Getting good tech help doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg. See how one company is enlisting the crowd to keep your PC running optimally.

Science & Technology

Brother Builds a Printer for Small-Business Budgets

This printer offers high quality at a low cost, but you may need help setting it up.

Business News

HP Offers a More Rugged Portable Printer

The Officejet 100 is a printer that you can check into your luggage and can either plug into a wall outlet or run off a battery.

Science & Technology

Pitney Bowes Goes Online With Postage

A new Web-based mailing and shipping app offers powerful low-cost features, but other options are free.

Science & Technology

How Pre-Paid Phone Plans Can Save Your Business Money

Paying for minutes in advance can help you cut mobile costs. Here's a roundup of options for business owners.