Jonathan Blum
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How This App Is Making a Permanent Change in the Rental Industry
A Hollywood production company saves money -- and client relationships -- with an inventory-tracking app.
This Company Is Bringing Customers Savings by Being the Costco of Small Businesses
Jet is out to reinvent pricing for online shopping.
Too Much Paperwork? Embrace the Build-It-Yourself Online Form.
Form builders can be powerful small-business tools.
How This Company Made Its Customer Support 'More Human'
Fitocracy needed customer support for its 1.5 million users, so it took to the cloud, and business took off.
This App Creates an Instant Digital Dossier for the People You Meet
Refresh helps you make a personal connection by curating digital data.
The Future-Proof Entrepreneur: 25 New Tech Trends
Check out the predictions we made in 2010 to see what's changed since then.
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