Komal Nathani: Page 8

Former Correspondent, Entrepreneur Asia Pacific

A firm believer of hard work and patience. Love to cover stories that hold a potential to change the momentum of business world. Currently, a part of all-women web team of Entrepreneur’s Asia Pacific edition to jig the wheel of business journalism!

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Latest: Page 8


Are Tech Companies Making Profits Over the Cost of Human Lives?

South Korean electronics-maker Samsung Electronics apologised to workers who developed cancer while working at its semiconductor factories


Behind the Bars: List of Company Heads Who Have Committed Financial Violations

Carlos Ghosn has been charged for underreporting his income and making personal use of company assets for his own benefit


Is the Growth of India's Tech Startup Ecosystem Being Driven by Just its Unicorns?

The report highlights that every surge in the funding has been driven by the companies valued at $1 billion

News and Trends

China's Largest Bank Announces $200 million Fund for Indian MSMEs and Startups

'Second Startup India Investment Seminar' was organized in Beijing to foster innovation in trade between the two neighbouring nations


These Two Australian Brothers Have Set up a Co-working Space for Migrant Entrepreneurs

Here's how these two brothers are helping migrant and refugee entrepreneurs in setting up their businesses in Australia


This Country Has the Most Buoyant Fintech Ecosystem in the APAC Region

ASEAN is seen as an expansion opportunity for fintech entrepreneurs