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Business News

Does The Bed Bath and Beyond Stock Rally Still Have Legs?

Despite significant fluctuation in the stock price, BBBY still trades at a relatively inexpensive valuation, provided management executes its roadmap correctly.

Business News

Chargepoint Rallies, Despite Weaker Earnings

Chargepoint continues to witness booming sales, but issues remain with gross margins, and the broader EV market, as consumer satisfaction remains a worry.

Business News

Salesforce Stock Could Have Long Term Potential After Earnings

Salesforces' earnings came in slightly weaker than expected, but the company continues to produce strong results overall.

Business News

Snowflake Stock Soars On Strong Results

Snowflake remains at the forefront of the data warehousing industry. With earnings coming in stronger the stock has rallied.

Business News

Applied Materials Results Show A Slowing Semiconductor Market

Earnings for Applied Materials, as the company looks to a strong 2022, but warns of issues that might show up in 2023 and beyond.

Business News

Time To Take A Serious Look At Nikola Stock As Production Starts

Nikola's stock stands to rise significantly as production starts and the company is on track to produce significant increases in revenue.