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Business News

Netflix Drops Post Earnings, But Is It Justified?

Let's see how shares trade for the rest of the week and keep an optimistic outlook that this is the start of the next chapter in the recovery.

Business News

Charles Schwab's Recovery Just Shifted Gears

This morning's report is just one of the reasons investors can start feeling optimistic again. Let's jump in and take a look.

Business News

Why Chipotle Will Soon Be A $2,000 Stock

Their shares are starting to tighten up as they hit resistance, which is exactly what you want to see before a breakout to the north.

Business News

Could Shopify Be A Sneaky Pick For Q2?

For those of us looking to bulk up our portfolios with some tech stocks, you could do worse than one of the world's foremost e-commerce companies

Business News

Oracle Dips But The Trend Is Strong

Shares of tech giant Oracle have been on a bit of a stormer since the middle of March, tacking on as much as 17%. Yesterday's dip is a solid entry...

Business News

3 Reasons Why Apple's 30% Rally Has Legs

Since tagging that multi-year low at the start of the year Apple's shares have tacked on a full 30%, with higher highs pointing to further upside.