Shreya Ganguly: Page 8

Former Features Writer

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Latest: Page 8

Social Media

Is It Safe For You To Use WhatsApp?

CERT-In has alerted users about a new vulnerability where hackers can attack the messaging platform using MP4 files

Growth Strategies

Pitching to China-based Investors? Never Ever do This

China-based investors believe that building a personal relationship with founders is important to gain their trust and work with them

News and Trends

Through Investors' Lens: What Separates Indian and Chinese Start-up Ecosystem

Apart from having more availability of capital and serial entrepreneurs starting new businesses, Chinese investors are more casual with founders compared with Indians

Business News

Missed Your Flight While Touring India? Here's What to do

Unfortunate incidents such as missing your connecting flight, losing important documents can land tourists in trouble. In such cases, reaching out to India Assist would help users understand the best way to deal with the situation

Growth Strategies

Taking Small Steps To Reach Big E-Mobility Goals: Yulu's Amit Gupta

Yulu co-founder Amit Gupta explains that bikes are first deployed in one particular region at a time and once the company achieves its desired result, it moves on to the next neighborhood

Growth Strategies

Here's Why Hotstar, Netflix & Amazon Prime are Dubbing Content in Regional Languages

According to the KPMG report titled 'India's Digital Future: Mass of Niches', dubbing existing content is considered as an effective tool for the OTT players to quickly expand the catalogue of original and movie content available