Vasily Voropaev: Page 2

CEO of

As CEO and founder of, Vasily Voropaev is a serial entrepreneur, business angel and pioneer of the Eastern Europe freelance and remote-work market.

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8 Pieces of Advice I Wish I Had Before Starting My IT Company

The journey was at times long and painful -- here are some things I wish I could tell my past self.


3 Life Hacks I Use to Boost Creativity and Avoid Burnout

Often, we have to find our fuel elsewhere.

Estilo de vida

3 trucos de vida que utilizo para impulsar la creatividad y evitar el agotamiento

A menudo, tenemos que encontrar nuestro combustible en otra parte.


Cómo encontrar los programadores adecuados: una breve guía para los fundadores de empresas emergentes

Para los fundadores de startups que enfrentan una gran cantidad de desafíos como el tiempo, los inversores y la demanda cambiante del mercado, es extremadamente difícil contratar programadores que puedan cumplir.

Starting a Business

How to Find the Right Programmers: A Brief Guideline for Startup Founders

For startup founders under a plethora of challenges like timing, investors and changing market demand, it is extremely hard to hire programmers who can deliver.