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3 Tips for Creating a Powerful Business Brand Right from the Start Making excuses for why you don't have the time, money, or expertise to focus on your branding is a mistake. Learn how anyone can build an effective brand.


Every new business needs an identity. Entrepreneurs want to create a company with credibility that the public can recognize and respond to, but many don't have the time or the skills to establish a distinct brand themselves. Even before you hire design and marketing personnel, you should be thinking about how to portray your company.

Here are three ways to build an effective brand from the beginning of your business's journey.

1. Brand beyond the logo.

Entrepreneurs know they need a name and a logo when starting a new business, but comprehensive branding may not be a top priority from day one. Creating a strong brand for your company from the beginning can clarify your messaging to both customers and employees as you grow.

"Branding is an investment in building awareness around your business, and once done properly it becomes a foundation for all of your external and internal communications to come," says Ryo Kikuchi, founder of ZeBrand.

For many entrepreneurs, branding has to take a backseat to other pressing tasks. A tool like ZeBrand can help you establish your style and vision just by answering a few questions about your industry and your company's needs and aspirations.

"Our unique blend of algorithm and AI technology is the driving force behind the suggestion of logos, colors, fonts, imagery, and verbalized identity such as core values," he says. "We do the heavy lifting and guesswork so that all you need to do is save and edit as you please."

2. Look inward.

Branding is as important for your employees as it is for your customers. Building a cohesive brand early on means instituting a set of values and a transparent mission that employees can look to as the business scales.

"It helps the company gain internal clarity for employees to rally around so that the brand can grow from within," Kikuchi says.

Thoughtful branding creates a culture that embodies your company's vision. It provides employees with a sense of identity and points of pride in their day-to-day as they work toward the company's mission.

"Branding gives you a story to tell, and for those who want to listen and take part in it, it becomes an emotional investment," he says.

3. Focus on consistency and culture.

Implementing brand elements early is a crucial step, but it may be challenging to maintain consistency as your team and your business grow.

"This is where ZeBrand's Brand Toolkit is particularly useful," Kikuchi says. "It becomes a go-to platform to use as a base reference so that everyone is on the same page when it comes to choosing design elements, using the right assets, and aligning on the vision."

By creating uniformity in the way you present your business to the world, you signal reliability to potential customers. More than the colors and fonts you choose, your brand should be a consistent culture that drives your company's mission, inspires employees and tells a compelling story to customers.

This doesn't mean your brand won't evolve over time. As your business grows and matures, your mission may change as well, and branding elements should reflect that.

Click here to learn how ZeBrand can help take your brand to the next level.