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Let's Get It Started Everything you need to launch your business is right here at your fingertips, so get online and try these startup tools.

By Steve Cooper

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Looking to incorporate or form an LLC? Bizfilings.com is a one-stopshop loaded with information, including helpful FAQs onincorporating and forming an LLC. The site also offers products andservices, such as amendments and corporate supplies. More than100,000 companies have been formed through Bizfilings.com, whichaccommodates all 50 states. Prices vary from state to state.

A critical step in starting a business requires developing aquality logo. Unfortunately, not all of us are adept at such tasks.LogoWorks makes the process easy. Simply go online and fill out aform with information about your business. Qualified designersplace bids on your project, you select the designers of yourchoice, and they'll create concepts for you to choose fromwithin 72 hours. Choose your favorite concept, and tell thedesigners what changes you would like. Prices start at $265.

Ultimate Business Planner 2.0
To get your startup off the ground, you need a game plan-or moreaccurately, a business plan. Ultimate Business Planner 2.0 guidesyou with step-by-step wizards offering advice and how-to tips,generating a finished plan that includes everything from conceptand product/service advantages to management and financial needs.The software, which works with Word and Quickbooks, contains morethan 1,000 sample business plans. Ultimate Business Planner 2.0 canbe downloaded from the website for $99.

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