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Lonely at the Top Success can be isolating, so learn how to stay connected.

By Aliza P. Sherman

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Sure, owning a successful company has its benefits, but thereare draw-backs as well, including feelings of loneliness orisolation as the business takes on a life of its own. Thosefeelings are familiar to Meg Chang, 26, who has seen her LosAngeles-based company, Vantage Staffing Network, rapidly grow, withrevenue skyrocketing to over $20 million in the past year. Sheadmits to feeling lonely right after her company was awarded itsfirst major contract.

"While I was thrilled at Vantage's achievement, my timewas primarily spent making it happen and maintaining a tough travelschedule, which left little time for anything else," recallsChang. To help combat isolation, she stayed involved in networkinggroups such as the Southern California chapter of the U.S. PanAsian American Chamber of Commerce and the Asian BusinessAssociation.

"Loneliness kind of sneaks up from behind and grabs youbefore you realize it," explains Barbara Babbit Kaufman,entrepreneur and author of Attitude. "Your business life takesover your personal life and, before you know it, there's noseparation between the two, which can certainly lead toisolation."

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