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The Mouse That Roared The <i>true</i> state of small business

By Janean Chun

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom called American Business, therelived three animals. One animal, the elephant, had ruled thekingdom for many years, using its mighty size to intimidate thecitizens of the land into submission. However, when a nasty droughtplagued the kingdom, the elephant became considerably weakened andwas forced to give up the throne.

To determine who would inherit the kingdom, the citizens set upa race between the two remaining animals: the gazelle and themouse. The citizens showed up at the race to cheer on the mouse,who had become a familiar sight around town, always willing to helpothers in times of crisis. But when the gazelle, a newcomer to thekingdom, showed up at the starting gates, the citizens were awed byits beauty and dazzling speed.

With the race moments away, the people began to fervently chantthe gazelle's name. Meanwhile, the mouse, trying its hardestnot to be dismayed by the fickleness of the crowd, began to warm up. . .

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