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By the Book To make the most of your sales team, read up.

By Kimberly L. McCall

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Check out these new books to help you hone your sales managementchops:

  • In Selling to Big Companies (Dearborn TradePublishing, $15.95), Jill Konrath shares her strategies for sellerswho want to break through the barriers protecting corporatedecision-makers. Sales managers will learn how to target accountswith the highest likelihood of success, create captivating valuepropositions, overcome obstacles and objections that derail saleefforts, and differentiate themselves from other sellers.

  • Jack, You're Fired! The Top 66 Reasons forFiring Sales Professionals... and How You Can Avoid Every SingleOne of Them (McKenna Publishing Group, $24) by Jack Perryoutlines practical tips and advice on selling. Use this book tohelp you and your reps sharpen sales skills and habits, embraceprospecting, expand sales opportunities and increase companyprofits.

  • Managing a pack of top sales dogs requires navigatingpersonality differences and egos aplenty. Leading Leaders: How to Manage Smart, Talented,Rich and Powerful People (AMACOM, $27.95) by JeswaldSalacuse outlines seven daily tasks of leadership--direction,integration, mediation, education, motivation, representation andtrust creation--that forge powerful one-on-one relationships withstaff.

Kimberly L. McCall ("MarketingAngel") is president of McCall Media & Marketing Inc.and author of Sell It, Baby! Marketing Angel's 37Down-to-Earth & Practical How-To's on Marketing, Branding& Sales.

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