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When Lana Bilzerian left her position at an upscale Italianknitwear company to start her own line in fall 2001, she puttogether a winter collection of her knitwear in three months. Shorton time and money, Bilzerian, 27, opted to forgo a showroom andinstead invited buyers from seven stylish stores, including Barneysand Fred Segal, to view the collection in her home.
Buyers were led through the back entrance of a restaurant toreach Bilzerian's Greenwich Village apartment for individualappointments. "There were chairs hanging everywhere; it waswhere the waiters changed, and there was no doorbell, so I'dcome down to get them," recalls Bilzerian. Once inside, buyerswere greeted by a fireplace, tea, cookies and mellow music-as thedesigner modeled the collection.
Providing a cozy atmosphere for buyers paid off-all of themplaced orders. Her highly exclusive line of knitwear is in 20stores, and 2003 sales are projected to hit $1 million.
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