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The Eye of the Beholder Image is everything. . . So what about ethics?

By David Newton

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

A decade ago, Andre Agassi popularized the phrase "Image is everything." The tennis star emphasized creating just the right outward appearance to gain that extra edge over opponents. In the same vein, homebased entrepreneurs are often looking for a similar edge in the image-oriented game of marketing. Striving for just the right look, many homebased business owners develop elaborate strategies-and sometimes even crazy schemes-to make their businesses look bigger than they really are. Why would they go to all this trouble? The rationale is, if your operation appears more substantial to potential customers, you're more likely to get the sale because size somehow translates into credibility.

But does a "big business" image really mean potential customers will choose your firm over a smaller-sized company? And to what degree does this form of packaging create ethical problems for both entrepreneurs and their clients? What happens when you're assigned too large of a job because your client assumes you have several business associates? And imagine the damage to your credibility when another client discovers the several departments you outline on your brochure are really only you--with different e-mail accounts.

In today's business environment--where entrepreneurial icons like Martha Stewart and Netscape's Marc Andreesson are revered and independent professionals are changing the workforce landscape--running a single-person enterprise is much more accepted than it was only a few years ago. And for many entrepreneurs, their solo status is a source of pride. So is it still necessary to present yourself as being bigger than you are? In the face of tough competition, you may be willing to fudge a few details, but consider the effect this misrepresentation has on your relationships with clients, your credibility and your own self-esteem. The following examples demonstrate the various ways-some subtle, others quite pronounced-that company image can be manipulated, and some of the ethical ramifications of these business policies.

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