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Tangle Might Untangle the Blockages in Blockchain Scale-up

Since 2008, everyone has been frantically engaged in the exploration of blockchain-based applications, beyond cryptocurrencies to solve real-world problems. Enroute to their discoveries, however, are some twists that need to be untangled.


Flipkart-Walmart deal: End of an Era

Tracing the journey of the once poster boy of Indian start-up ecosystem


How Start-up Funds are Putting a Price Tag to the Moral Karma of Investors and Mentors

It works great for investors to incentivize people who refer start-ups to them.

News and Trends

Bitcoin Crash Nears 2000 Dotcom Bubble Burst. 4 Things to Know Today

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News and Trends

Unpaid Dues Haunt Vodafone & Big Day for Indian SaaS Market: 4 Things to Know Today

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Social Media

Why Facebook Data Scandal Might be an Opportunity for Local Social Networks in Hindsight

Facebook's growth in user base - an aging one, is also slowly flat-lining. At least, in its two core markets – the US and Canada, which perhaps would trickle down to other major markets, like India.