Small finance bank

Women Entrepreneur™

Meet India's Master of Finance

From having humble, pastoral beginnings to becoming mission-driven banker who has become a compelling force in solving the problem of access to finance in the economy, the story of Kshama Fernandes is such wonder, well, with a bent of credit!


This Small Bank's CEO Explains Why Financial Inclusion Should Be a Business Model Rather than an Obligation

Small finance banks addressing the financial services requirements of the base of pyramid customers as well as SMEs clearly have a much larger base of consumers, and a larger role in nation building


This Is How Technology is Helping Small Banks to Compete with Large Ones

Like they say, there is nothing that technology cannot do


This Small Finance Bank Is Looking To Set Up Internal Rating System For MSME Lending

The bank is ultimately aiming for a loan book of INR 20,000 crore along with listing on bourses by 2020