Simas Farmacia: The New Face of Healthcare in Mexico

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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought healthcare to the forefront of public attention, and trusted pharmacies like SIMAS Farmacia play a critical role in local communities. According to a report by ResearchAndMarkets, the Mexican pharmaceutical market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 4.7% from 2021 to 2026, driven by factors such as an aging population and an increase in chronic diseases.

SIMAS Farmacia has grown rapidly to 110 stores nationwide in just four years, with a mission to offer affordable medicines and medical care to the Mexican public. The pharmacy chain's commitment to innovation and accessibility has helped it gain a strong foothold in the market, and it shows no signs of slowing down with plans to open 200 more pharmacies in the coming year.

An innovative approach to healthcare

In addition to offering the best prices in the local market, SIMAS Farmacia is known for its innovative approach to healthcare. They are the only pharmacy in Mexico that offers medical cannabis-based products and alternative healing options, gaining popularity in the United States and elsewhere. According to Pablo Velazco, Director General for the company, "We believe that health has to evolve in Mexico. We are different from others because of our completely distinct and innovative products and providing more appropriate and accessible spaces."

The presence of the SIMAS Farmacia team goes beyond the pharmacies and into the digital platform. They regularly share educational posts on their Facebook page about common health conditions, from intestinal discomfort to more serious ones like Parkinson's disease and autism.

Leadership in medical care

SIMAS Farmacia's commitment to making an impact on the lives of locals is evident in its team of over 100 reliable and skilled employees, who have served more than three million clients and patients. This greatly contributed to Mexico's overall Global Health Security Index score in 2021, which led all Latin American countries to its compliance with international norms, according to this research. The country's second highest rank is in its rapid response.

In addition to making both patented and generic medicines available to the public, the team provides medical consultations right at the pharmacy, making sound medical advice more accessible to people located far from a clinic or hospital. SIMAS Farmacia's leadership in medical care is inspired by leading US-based companies such as Apple and Walgreens, which use technology to reach more people and expand their services.

Velazco says, "Due to the constant improvement in our processes, we have become the preferred pharmacy here in Mexico. And now, we're looking to offer much more than filling out prescriptions, but a complete health care service." This year, SIMAS Farmacia plans to open 200 more pharmacies and become the leading innovative pharmacy chain that provides high-quality medicine.

A solid commitment to making people better

At SIMAS Farmacia, comprehensive care is standard practice. With a team of over 100 reliable and skillful employees, the pharmacy is committed to providing the best healthcare products and services. By offering medical cannabis-based products and alternative healing options in addition to medical consultations and affordable medicines, SIMAS Farmacia has become the most trusted name in healthcare in Mexico.

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