
Business News

How to Overcome the 'One-Size-Fits-All' Marketing Trap

Any approach claiming to be for everyone is either broadly general to the point of obviousness, or will lack even close to the necessary nuance needed to adequately provide direction.

Business News

6 Predictions for Content Marketing in 2016

From Google+ not surviving to Facebook playing a bigger role in the elections, here are some predictions for next year.

Business News

How to Create Visual Content That Resonates With Your Audience

The most important part of crafting a visual identity is consistency.

Business News

How to Decide on the Right Format of Content for Your Marketing Efforts

Both longform and shortform content are equally valuable. The utility of either is maximized when you know where, when and how to use each.

Business News

How to Make Both Spontaneity and Planned Posts Work on Social Media

Social-media marketing is a tough discipline to master, because it makes two demands of marketers that seem to contradict each other.

Business News

Why Publishing Is the Fifth "P" of Marketing

For a long time these four P's --product, pricing, placement and promotion -- were sufficient to explain the entirety of what marketers did, but marketing has changed a lot in recent years and suddenly these four categories don't tell the whole story.