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Business News

8 Bad Work Habits That Can Actually Lead to Burnout

Burnout is a growing concern in today’s fast-paced, bad work habits environment. The state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion hurts their job performance and the organization as a whole....

Business News

Mastering Productivity Through the F.L.O.W. Model

Multitasking is often the result of our relentless pursuit of productivity. Even though multitasking may seem efficient to complete our to-do lists, it usually leads to disorganization and overwhelm. What’s...

Business News

Take Control of Your Time: The POSEC Method to Enhanced Productivity

Having trouble keeping up with your never-ending to-do list? Do you have trouble finding a balance between your personal goals, your work, and your self-care? I suspect most of you...

Business News

4 Tips for Transforming Your Life with a Well-Planned Calendar

Is your calendar causing you more stress? Do you feel overwhelmed whenever you get another meeting invite or a teammate asks to find time on your calendar? Do you say...

Business News

Bending But Not Breaking: The Power of Intentional Inflexibility in a Flexible World

There’s no denying that flexibility in the workplace is all the rage these days. A Deloitte survey found that 94 percent of respondents believed flexible work would benefit them. Why?...

Business News

Banishing the Energy Drain: How to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires

Over the last few months, I’ve noticed that my electric bill has been creeping up. It’s mainly because my electric company is raising rates. There’s nothing that I can do...