Four Powerful New Cameras That Are Good for Business Today's rugged digital cameras deliver production-quality images that leave smartphone photos in the dust.
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For entrepreneurs who rely on having a camera handy (landscapers, contractors, realtors, inspectors--we're talking to you), the optics embedded in today's smartphones won't cut it. To wit: The 8-megapixel lens in the iPhone 4S falls short of the ultra-crisp 12-megapixel images captured by today's average digital pocket camera. The shooters highlighted here boast interchangeable lenses, can capture audio and (with a multi-GB memory card) are able to shoot minutes--not seconds--of HD video at 1,080 dpi. Take that, Droid.

Nikon 1 J1 ($650)
Credit Nikon for putting digital SLR-camera technology into the palm of your hand. The fist-size 10.1-megapixel J1 offers first-rate optics (proving that more megapixels don't automatically mean better photos), the ability to grab a still image out of a video shoot and remarkable image stabilization and autofocus. Swapping in a 30-110 mm zoom or 10 mm wide-angle lens (at an extra cost) adds to the Nikon's versatility.
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