2021: Page 4


3 Reasons to Quit Your Corporate Job and Become a Restaurant Franchisee

The market conditions are ideal for investors ready to make a change.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

4 Trends Driving Digital Adoption in 2021

Expect companies to continue centering their strategies around the employee experience.


4 tendencias que impulsan la adopción digital en 2021

Espere que las empresas sigan centrando sus estrategias en la experiencia del empleado.


2020 Grietas expuestas en las cadenas de suministro de Estados Unidos. Así es como aprendemos de él.

Al estudiar las deficiencias, podemos volvernos más fuertes, más rápidos y más resistentes.

Business News

2020 Exposed Cracks in America's Supply Chains. Here's How We Learn From It.

By studying shortcomings, we can become stronger, faster and more resilient.

Business News

2021 Home Buying Trends in the U.S.

The more knowledge you have, the better off you are in the long run.


Por qué mantener el mejor talento debería ser su máxima prioridad en 2021

Los empleados quieren sentirse apreciados y como si pertenecieran; demuéstreles a sus empleados que se preocupa por ellos y que está comprometido con su desarrollo.


Why Keeping Top Talent Should Be Your Top Priority in 2021

Employees want to feel appreciated and like they belong -- show your employees that you care about them and that you're invested in their development.

News and Trends

Rise Of Elevator & Escalator Industry: What's In Store For 2021

Apart from the potential that the future holds, there are many developments in the making that will continue to see the elevator industry evolve


Under Pressure: 6 Ways to Be a Good Manager in an Ongoing Crisis

For many, 2021 feels hopeful. A new year presents an opportunity to start fresh. Although it's good to be positive -- and we need hope to keep moving forward -- leaders are still managing teams during a long-term crisis and must foster team agility and resilience to roll with the punches.


Establecer confianza en 2021: innovación y un imperativo para adoptar la privacidad, la transparencia y la seguridad de los datos

Desde Covid-19 hasta el ciberataque de SolarWinds, 2020 dio muchos golpes a la confianza pública. Los fundadores deben tomar las lecciones aprendidas y asegurarse de que no sean parte del problema.

Science & Technology

Establishing Trust in 2021: Innovation and an Imperative for Embracing Data Privacy, Transparency and Security

From Covid-19 to the SolarWinds cyberattack, 2020 delivered many blows to public trust. Founders need to take the lessons learned and ensure they are not part of the problem.


8 Books You Should Read for a Successful 2021

Who doesn't need a dose of inspiration? These titles bring it.

Thought Leaders

5 Inventing and Licensing Trends That Will Dominate In 2021

What to know as you're preparing for the year ahead.


5 tendencias de invención y concesión de licencias que dominarán en 2021

Qué debe saber mientras se prepara para el próximo año.