Ajit Pai

Business News

The Trump Administration Is Fighting California's Tough Net Neutrality Law

California, home to Silicon Valley, has enacted the nation's toughest net neutrality protections and will have to defend them in court.

Business News

You Want Fries With That? Burger King Explains Net Neutrality In Less Than 3 Minutes.

The fast food company's video uses metaphor and parody to explain complex public policy.

Data & Recovery

The FCC Has Repealed Net Neutrality, But Nobody Is Certain What Happens Next

You can expect litigation, a criminal investigation, states making their own laws and to hear political candidates talking about net neutrality, but how soon any changes will be noticed online is unclear.

Data & Recovery

The FCC Took the First Step to Dismantle Net Neutrality. Your Dreams of Success Are Now on Life Support.

If you're already running a multibillion-dollar corporation dominating online, the FCC vote to undo net neutrality is good news.