Browsers: Page 2


How 'Do Not Track' May Hurt Businesses

Websites could lose revenue if they rely heavily on ads tied to users' browsing behavior.

Business News

Internet Explorer Users Face Security Risks and Issues

Older versions of the browser are vulnerable to hackers and will be left behind for Google updates.

Science & Technology

Free Web Security Tools to Guard Your Business Browser

Online security can be confusing and costly, but here are three free ways to keep your web browser as secure as possible in your business.

Business Ideas

The Kindle Fire Fuels Tablet Wars

With the retail firepower of its Silk 'split' browser, the Kindle Fire could be a barn-burner for Amazon.

Business News

Google Declares War On Slow Web Pages

In its ongoing quest to make Web apps as fast as desktop software, Google Page Speed Service accelerates Web page load times.

Business News

10 Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions

Google Chrome is a capable Web browser -- but these free downloadable add-ons make Chrome even better.