Fun Facts


20 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Chick-fil-A

The first-ever Chick-fil-A opened in 1967 in Atlanta's Greenbriar Mall. A chicken sandwich sold for 59 cents and the restaurant was only 384 square feet — roughly the size of a two-car garage.

News and Trends

Sundar Pichai Birthday Today: 7 Interesting Facts to Know About Him

Sundar Pichai celebrates his 49th birthday today. Born on June 10, 1972 in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, did you know Pichai didn't have access to basic necessities in his childhood? Read to know more and learn from the man himself

Thought Leaders

25 Surprising Facts About Warren Buffett

From buying his first stock at age 11 to having his face on Cherry Coke cans in China, these Warren Buffett facts might surprise you.

Thought Leaders

Bill Gates Got an Offer to Be Trump's Science Advisor and 26 Other Weird Things We've Learned About Him

Not only is he one of the wealthiest people in the world, but he's also a philanthropist, an author and even a knight.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

14 Things You Need to Know About Bitcoin

The cryptocurrency has had a tumultuous existence so far.

Science & Technology

15 Surprising Facts About Wikipedia

Today, there are more than 32.5 million Wikipedians in the world.


21 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Sheryl Sandberg

The Facebook COO worked in government and Google before landing a top role at the social giant.


20 McDonald's Facts That May Surprise You

Did you know a chicken nugget once sold on eBay for $8,100?

Health & Wellness

Does it Pay to Release Super Bowl Ads Before the Game?

Check out these stats, as well as 20 other facts on the big game.

Business News

24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Warren Buffett and His $70 Billion Fortune

He was picking out stocks at 11 years old and had amassed the equivalent of $53,000 in today's dollars by the time he was 16.

Thought Leaders

Google's CEO Shared Some Little-Known Personal Facts on a Visit to India

He first thought Gmail was an April Fool's joke.


20 Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Taco Bell

Before tacos, the now popular chain served hot dogs and hamburgers.

Data & Recovery

13 Pivotal Internet Moments That Forever Changed How We Live, Work and Play

From indexing the web to breaking it, here are the online moments that changed everything.


Oops, IOU? How the World's First Modern Credit Card Was Invented.

The scrappy entrepreneur who created the credit card, as legend has it, might have experienced an embarrassing situation that led to inspiration.


The Seriously Unsexy Origins of the Graham Cracker

The dry, plain crackers were invented to cool certain urges. You know the ones.