Happy Employees

Business Culture

Thinking of Laying Off Staff? Here's Why Job Cuts Might Be Bad For Your Business

Layoffs are a short-sighted approach that reduces workers to data points and budget line items while ignoring the value of retaining employees over the long term, even when economic times are tough.


Why Trauma Integration Will Give You a Competitive Advantage in Leadership

By actively working to heal and integrate their past trauma, leaders create safe and empowering environments for their teams.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

7 Ways Data Helps Your Restaurant Succeed

By using underutilized analytics and data, you can gain valuable insights into your business and make data-driven decisions to achieve long-term success


Who Is More Important — Your Customers or Your Employees?

Business owners will succeed when they create an environment where employees want to work, and customers want to transact.


Motivosity Is Helping to Make Employee Engagement Easier

Because happy employees are more productive employees.


5 Ways Franchisees Can Become Happy Business People

Franchisees are known to experience far more sense of happiness than those running conventional businesses…