Money Mistakes

Money & Finance

Avoid These 10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make with Money

Despite the challenging statistic that only 5% of startups survive beyond five years, common financial pitfalls often contribute to their failure. Through personal observation, I've identified the prevalent financial mistakes made by entrepreneurs.

Business News

6 Common Financial Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Small Business

To avoid financial mistakes in your small business, you must take a few steps now to prevent it from going under. These six financial mistakes can destroy a small business before it even gets off the ground!

Money & Finance

Make Yourself a Money Magnet with this Fun and Easy Exercise

This creative daily ritual can turn you into a champion opportunity-spotter in just one week.

Business News

6 Big Holiday Money Mistakes that Could Cost You Down the Road

Already thinking about the mountain of things you have to do before the holidays? Check out this list of common holiday money mistakes — some you may not even realize...

News and Trends

The Money Mistakes That Cost Millions

Six company heads in the Asia-Pacific region share their regrets and the lessons they learned

Money & Finance

10 Executives Reveal the Biggest Money Mistakes Enterprises Make

You don't have to learn the hard way. Just read what these executives did, and don't imitate them.

Money & Finance

The 4 Dumbest Money Mistakes People Make and How to Stop Making Them, According to Shark Tank's 'Mr. Wonderful'

If you make these common budget blunders, multi-millionaire money master Kevin O'Leary says you're headed for disaster.

Money & Finance

Are You That Lucky Employee With an IPO Windfall?

If you are, then don't lose it. Instead, plan wisely. Here are five ways to do that.

Business News

Ben Kaufman's Quirky Is Officially Out of Money

The co-founder and CEO says he needs to find funds fast. His team is 'working to figure things out.'

Money & Finance

3 Must-Have Views Toward Money

For starters, don't 'step over dollars to pick up nickels.'

Money & Finance

Wise Words for Startups: No Money, More Problems

For both the company and the investors, a lack of funds means a surplus of trouble.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

5 Strategies for Entrepreneurs to Steer Clear of the Debt Trap

It's as hard to avoid borrowing money as it is to make it when you're getting started, but both are possible.


10 Questions to Ask When Working With an Accountant

Ask your accountant these critical questions to better maximize your profits, tax savings, cash flow and more.


Why I Think the Hype About Crowdfunding Is Too Good to Be True

If you're going to try to fund your startup via crowdfunding, here's what you need to know before taking the plunge.

Money & Finance

Why Missing Quarterly Tax Deposits Can Devastate Your Business

Don't get yourself in trouble with the IRS. Here's how to make sure you stay on top of tax deposits.