Sales Forecast

Growing a Business

Want To Run Your Business Better? Then Run These 3 Reports.

My best and most profitable clients are always watching these numbers.

News and Trends

EV Two-Wheelers To See 100 Per Cent Penetration In Indian Market By FY27, Says NITI Aayog Report

As per the report, the projected sale of EV two-wheelers in FY31 will be 220.15 lakh units

Business Process

How to Forecast Revenue for Sales Prospects

Predicting potential revenue from clients in various parts of the sales pipeline is hard. This technique can help.

Business News

McDonald's Sales Surge as All-Day Breakfast Proves a Hit With Customers

All-day breakfast was introduced in the U.S. in October.

Starting a Business

Forecasting Is Hard, But It's Harder to Run a Business Without Doing It

We're people, we don't know the future, so we are always guessing. But we're not just guessing. We're developing sets of assumptions.

Growing a Business

Sales Forecasting -- by Reps, at Least -- Is Dead

Predictive analytics technology, on the other hand, is alive and kicking.

Growing a Business

Life After the Death of Sales: What the Next 5 Years Will Look Like

Excel spreadsheets replacing salespeople? More specialized sales roles? Better get ready.

Business Plans

Startup Business Forecasts Are Not Black Magic, Just Smart Business

You need these projections to set internal goals and milestones, and to measure your progress toward reasonable success objectives.

Growing a Business

Why Your Sales Forecast Is Disconnected From Reality

The forecast methodology used by most companies only works for some companies. Happily, simpler methods matched to your sales process are more reliable.

Buying / Investing in Business

Six Business Trends to Watch This Year

In 2012, it will pay to keep an eye on a few key big-picture trends. Here are the ones that make my list for top insomnia producers.

Business Ideas

Top 10 Small Business Predictions for 2012

Here is a collection of next year's top trends for marketing, retailing, service businesses, mobile, social media and more.


How Can I Do a Better Job Forecasting Sales?

Tim Berry, president of Palo Alto Software, on how to forecast sales more accurately.