How to Utilize Exclusive Rights and Use Clauses in Commercial Real Estate
From use clauses to tenant-landlord agreements, knowing your rights in commercial real estate is vital.
5 Important Things to Know When Preparing to Lease a Retail Space
When leasing a retail space, understanding what landlords look for is crucial for business owners.
Why This Innovative Idea Can Help Reduce Business Failure Rates
More businesses can flourish through strategic partnerships between entrepreneurs, landlords and local governments.
4 New Year's Resolutions Every Landlord Should Consider
From investing in technology to investing in employee satisfaction, here are a few things that landlords, property managers — and any business owner — should consider to have a successful 2023.
Looking for the Perfect Tenant? Seek out These 6 Traits!
High on the list are an ability to pay on time and a positive outlook for job stability.