The Advertising Solution


How to Avoid Mailing to a Disaster Area

Learn this money-saving tip and keep your response rates from bombing when floods and natural disasters occur.


3 Split Tests to Improve Your Direct Mail Results

If you want to increase your response rate, make sure you are ALWAYS testing something new.


How to Overcome Writer's Block and Create Great Ad Copy

Use the same process a famous copywriter used to get down to work and write great ad copy every single time you try.


11 Ways to Write Powerful Ad Headlines

Keep these tips in mind when writing headlines, and you're sure to draw in more prospects.


17 Tips for Increasing the Selling Power of Your Ad Copy

Put these tips to work for you when you're writing ad copy and you'll see your writing improve.


8 Tips for Producing Advertising That Sells

An advertising expert offers smart and easy-to-follow advice for crafting effective ad copy.