The Hero Factor


3 Traits You Need to Inspire Trust in Your Company

If you want your employees, vendors and customers to trust in your business, develop these three traits and practice them daily.


Why Vulnerability Is a Strong Business Leader's Most Powerful Weapon

You don't have to wear a suit of armor every day to inspire your workforce. Instead, show your weaknesses and you'll have more people's trust and loyalty.


How Listening to Your Employees Can Improve Your Business

Create 'Hero relationships' with your workers so you foster a team environment that helps fix mistakes and makes your business stronger.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Why Firing Some of Your Employees Could Be the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Business

It's time to truly evaluate your employees to determine if they're still (or ever have been) a good fit for your organization.


Creating a Business Culture That Values People

Learn how to see if you're putting words into action by taking these steps to evaluate your business values.


Do You Stand Up for What You Truly Value?

You may have business values, but do you have the courage of your convictions? Find out how to determine if you've got what it takes to back up your words with actions.


3 Ways to Check That Your Business Values Are Being Lived by Your Employees

Get closer to achieving the 'Hero Factor' status you deserve by double-checking that your company is truly expressing your business values.


How to Determine Your Business Values

Does your business have values that back up all your actions? Find out if you know what they are and, if you don't, how to determine them.


The 6 Levels of the Hero Factor

Get the skinny on each level of the Hero Factor scale to help you determine where you are and how to get to the top.


The 3 Ways You Should Value the People Who Are Key to Your Business

Here's what you need to do to keep the essential people in your business -- employees, customers and vendors -- satisfied and wanting to work for you and with you.


Hero Intensity: The Second Part of Achieving an Executive Hero Factor

Learn what Hero Intensity is and how it can provide the other half of the formula you need to attain Hero Factor status as a business leader.


Operational Excellence: The First Part of Achieving an Executive Hero Factor

Find out why having operational excellence will take you 50 percent of the way to having the Hero Factor as a business leader.