Transaction fees


Tacking On Additional Fees To Cover Your Costs? Stop And Do These 3 Things Instead.

The practice isn't popular with customers and there's a better way to cover your costs.

News and Trends

NPCI Directs Payment Apps Not To Charge Platform Fee On BBPS

The reports said that government is likely to treat the unified payments interface (UPI) as public good in which customers do not required paying

Business Ideas

Your 'Minimum Purchase' Credit Card Policy Is Dumb

Whatever convinced you turning away sales is good business, it wasn't the math.

News and Trends

Is This the End of The Crypto Era For Indian Users? May Be Not

While there are many options for investors to trade in virtual currencies like peer-to-peer, crypto-to-crypto, crypto-to-cash, offshore exchanges and use of international bank accounts, panic has no room to play.


#4 Perks Auditors Can Enjoy By Embracing Blockchain Technology

With this technology, it is possible to generate an exception report that reviews all transactions rather than just a selected sample of them


The Head and Tail of Bitcoin Bubble

More than as an instrument to buy and sell goods and commodities, increasingly money is being invested in bitcoin to make even more money

Business News

How to Keep Payment Fees Low for Your Small Business

In addition to figuring out the logistics of how to get paid, you may have to pay multiple vendors different payment processing fees.


Why is Cyber Insurance a Necessity in Today's Web World?

"Even if cyber insurance is not popular now, all it needs is awareness and then there will be a market for this"


6 Reasons Why Fintech Industry Will Grow In Next Five Years

The past 100 years have witnessed technology growing at a galloping rate, much to the delight and convenience of mankind.


#8 Reasons Why Bitcoin is Better than Conventional Currency

Bitcoin is nothing but a virtual currency or a medium of conducting digital transactions, just like any other digital currency.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Why Small Businesses Should Consider Bitcoin

Bitcoin can help cut costs by making transactions faster and easier. But there are caveats.

Money & Finance

Everything You Need to Know About Merchant Services

You can save up to 30% on your credit card processing fees with these six tips.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

5 Reasons Merchants Should Start Accepting Bitcoin Now

Coinbase's Adam White lays out the bottom-line benefits of embracing Bitcoin payments.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

What the Heck Is a Bitcoin Anyway?

And how can my business accept payments with the digital currency?

Starting a Business

How to Cut Transaction Costs on Customer Purchases

Tired of high credit-card processing fees? Here are three ways to save when accepting payments.