How to Create a Compact Marketing Plan This workshop will break this daunting task into bite-sized chunks, and give you a useful tool to identify, attract and take care of your target customers.

Originally aired May 28, 2019

In this session, entrepreneurs will work on developing a compact marketing plan for their businesses. A marketing plan is a tool used to lay out the strategy for your marketing activities. This workshop will break the daunting task of creating a marketing plan into bite-sized chunks, providing you with a useful tool to identify, attract and take care of your target customers.

We'll work on outlining your business' target market, craft your message to them and identify how you'll reach them. Next, we'll outline your lead capture system and pinpoint your lead nurturing and conversion strategy. After that, we'll discuss customer retention, including your plan for delivering exceptional customer service, increasing customer lifetime value and asking for referrals. We'll also break each area down into action steps to execute each phase.

You'll hear from Dr. Charlene Walters, an author, entrepreneur, business and branding mentor, and Vice Provost of Strayer University's Digital Entrepreneurship MBA program, and utilize a worksheet to help create your own compact marketing plan.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pinpointing your Target Market and refining your message to them
  • Developing a plan for lead capture and nurture
  • The creation of a compact marketing plan

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