How to Instantly Connect With Influencers, Investors and Media Using Neuroscience Make instant connections and develop win-win relationships.

Originally aired Jun 19, 2019

Would you like to be able to communicate in a compelling, persuasive way that allows you to instantly create powerful new connections with influencers, investors and media so you can grow your business faster?

Did you know you subconsciously make decisions seven to 11 seconds before you are consciously aware of them?

Yes, it’s true, and it’s why you’ve likely already made the decision to enroll in this class that will show you how to influence people in a meaningful way using proven neuroscience and communications strategies. In this fun and entertaining experience, you’ll quickly discover how to instantly connect with people so you can develop long-term, win-win relationships that will elevate your business into a profitable brand.

Just imagine being able to influence the media to write about you, get influencers to promote you, and have investors begging to provide capital for your business so you can create and develop the successful enterprise you’ve always dreamed about.

Remember, when you finish this class, you’ll “exit” as a smarter and more charismatic entrepreneur, guaranteed.

Bonus: Everyone who participates will receive a free gift: You’ll get, not one, but three valuable tactics that literally force people to connect and communicate with you so you can quickly raise relationship capital and experience rapid success.

Don’t miss out and hope to you to see you there!

Key Takeaways:

  • You’ll be surprised to learn how the brain really works and the science behind capturing someone’s attention and nurturing it into a real human connection.
  • You’ll learn the seven fundamental principles of influence, so people will be attracted to your messaging, your mission and your story.
  • You’ll discover the KLTR Techniques that will differentiate you from your competition, so you’ll become the authoritative expert in your industry.
  • You’ll learn how to become a better leader and get people to champion your cause by actively doing just one seemingly simple, yet very challenging, daily process.
  • You’ll walk away from this event with the BizFamous™ Branding Formula that forces people to fondly remember you forever after you meet them in person.

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