How to Create Great Brand Videos on a Budget Tell your story through video and emotionally connect your brand to your audience.

Originally aired Jun 06, 2019

Video is here to stay, and for good reason. No medium is more suited to emotionally connect your brand to your audience, and stats show people like watching video. Video on social media generates 1200% more likes and shares than text only, brands who use video on a homepage have up to 80% higher customer conversion rate, and businesses using video grow company revenue 49% faster than organizations without. Video isn't going anywhere, and if you can’t beat ’em, then you might as well join ’em.

But video can be stressful and intimidating -- what works for one brand might not work for yours. And, for the love of God, why does it cost so much? If you’re starting to wake up in a cold sweat at night because all you hear is your boss telling you to “figure out the video strategy," or you want to make video, but you just don’t understand where to start, then this session is for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • What makes a good brand video and what mistakes to avoid
  • How to set up a solid plan for telling your story through video and how to maximize video costs
  • What makes video so expensive and when you should out outsource vs. DIY
  • Instagram Stories are the best free video marketing around. Learn why you should be on it, and what you can be doing with it to tell better stories
  • 2019 video marketing trends to be on the lookout for

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