From Inquiries to Payments: How Small Businesses Can Streamline Their Business Processes Discover how to efficiently nurture and close deals with a CMS system made for Small Businesses

Originally aired Jan 30, 2020

Running a small business is rewarding, but it also comes with several challenges, many of which have nothing to do with the service you’re providing and your craft. Have you ever lost a prospective customer because you forgot to follow up, or didn't have a solid proposal template set up? Are you so busy working you forget to send out payment reminders so you can actually get paid for your time? If so, this is the session for you. 

Oz Alon, CEO of HoneyBook, will be on hand to discuss how you can increase your revenue and reduce time spent on administrative tasks by leveraging a Customer Relationship Management tool (CRM). 

Oz will also share his personal experience launching HoneyBook, a platform he designed to fix the entrepreneurial pain-points he observed first-hand when managing his own small business. By automating administrative tasks, streamlining workflow and processing payments seamlessly all in one platform, HoneyBook provides creative entrepreneurs and freelancers with the tools they need to spend more time doing what they love.

After, he'll field your questions and pass along some advice. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover how to efficiently manage your business processes from inquiry through to invoicing

  • Gain insight on the key elements that need to be included in any proposal

  • Learn how to create a dashboard for your revenue streams, allowing you to better forecast and prospect

  • Leverage valuable tools to track your time and streamline client communications


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