How to Get to Market Fast and 'Lean' – Developing Your MVP! Learn steps that founders can take to validate their ideas, create an MVP and start earning real revenue in the quickest way possible.

Originally aired Jul 01, 2020

Got an amazing business idea, but unsure as to how to turn it into a functioning enterprise? 

Join us for a webinar with Kevin Siskar, CEO of investment platform Finta as he discusses the best ways to get to market quickly and lean. In this session, Kevin will lean on his experience founding multiple startups and running Founder Institute NYC to offer steps that founders can take to validate their ideas, create an MVP and start earning real revenue in the quickest way possible. 

*Based on our best-selling book, Start Your Own Business, we have launched a new on-demand start-up course, providing you with a step-by-step guide to starting your own business. Whether you're ready or just thinking about it, get started for free here.

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