How to Find Mentors and Advisors Join Silicon Valley CEO coach and host of 'The B-suite' leadership podcast Barbara Shannon as she discusses how to find the right mentors and advisors as a new founder.

Originally aired Jul 08, 2020

Feel like extra guidance could help your business reach its fullest potential? 

Join us for our live webinar with esteemed Silicon Valley CEO coach and host of 'The B-suite' leadership podcast Barbara Shannon as she discusses how to find the right mentors and advisors as a new founder. 

In her session, Barbara will lean on her experience coaching CEOs, and developing corporate mentorship programs to highlight the best techniques to discover, contact, and build relationships with mentors who can help you push your enterprise to the next level, and the benefits of doing so. 

Based on our best-selling book, Start Your Own Business, we have launched a new on-demand start-up course, providing you with a step-by-step guide to starting your own business. Whether you're ready or just thinking about it, get started for free here.

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