Office Hours with Terry Rice Have questions about launching your business? Terry Rice has partnered with Chatterboss to provide free office hours where you can ask him questions and get them answered live.

Running a business can feel daunting and confusing, but it doesn't have to be!

That’s why ChatterBoss has partnered with Terry Rice, business development consultant and expert-in-residence at Entrepreneur magazine, to provide the ChatterBoss community with free access to office hours.

You can ask questions including:
- How to get more clients or customers
- Best practices on pricing and revenue projections
- Improving your workflow and efficiency
- Scaling your business with a remote team

This is your opportunity to get your most pressing questions answered in real time while also learning from the experience of your peers.

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Want to Go Public? 7 Steps to Prepare for an IPO.

Join us for this free webinar and learn what's necessary as you discover if an IPO is the right path for your business.