Angela Moscaritolo: Page 13


Angela Moscaritolo has been a PCMag reporter since January 2012. 

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Latest: Page 13

Business News

Google Self-Driving Car Involved in Another Crash

The Google car was driving autonomously at the time of the crash, but was not at fault.

Business News

Search Like You Talk on Google Drive

Plus, Google added a few other 'small but mighty' features in Docs to help you out.

Business News

Non-Exploding Galaxy Note 7s to Arrive by Sept. 21

The announcement comes two weeks after the company issued a global recall amid reports of exploding batteries.

Business News

YouTubers Can Interact With Viewers Via Live Text, Videos, GIFs

Have a favorite YouTuber? Soon, it may be a lot easier to interact with them.

Business News

Audi to Add Traffic Light Countdown Clocks to Cars

When you roll up to a red light, you'll see a countdown clock on the dashboard showing how long until it turns green.

Business News

Good News for Gmail Users on Trello

Now, if you use Trello or GitHub, you'll get a summary of what's going on with your projects, so you never miss an update.