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Business News

US Cellular snapped up by T-Mobile in $4.4 billion deal

T-Mobile has agreed to take over all of UScellular’s wireless operations, including UScellular’s wireless customers and stores and certain company assets. The acquisition, valued at a staggering $4.4 billion, marks...

Business News

Walmart Consumer Credit Card comes to a close

Walmart and Capitol One have ended their exclusive consumer credit card offering. The Walmart Consumer Credit Cards deal was devised in 2019 as part of the Capital One Walmart Rewards...

Business News

$2M Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Doctor sees jail time

A Nevada federal jury has found a doctor conducting illegal practice and $2 million in Medicare fraud guilty. The conviction was handed down to Eduardo Abellana, M.D., 75, of Las...

Business News

Hope for U.S. housing market as fixed-rate mortgage falls

The United States housing market could be given a possible lift as the favored 30-year mortgage rate fell. The dip is the first seen in the housing market since last...

Business News

Justice Department continues suit against Live Nation-Ticketmaster

The Justice Department has continued its legal suit against Live Nation-Ticketmaster for its increasing monopoly on event ticket sales. According to the government’s legal arm, Live Nation-Ticketmaster’s stranglehold on the...

Business News

Federal Reserve leaders say rates could be higher for longer

Federal Reserve leaders have said that rates could persist higher for longer if inflation fails to improve. The Federal Reserve’s staunch footing has been bolstered after a joint meeting of...