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Business News

101 Inspiring Quotes to Help You Spring Forward

I don't know about you, but it's been a struggle for me to get things done this week. Why? Is it because the weather is warming up and I want...

Business News

How to Set Yourself Free With Calendar This Year

As everyone knows, a Calendar is the ultimate tool for identifying days. Calendar helps keep track of meetings and appointments or register those that have occurred already. What’s more, calendars...

Business News

3 Technology Advancements that Improve Virtual Events

Tech is always evolving — even in a pandemic. It’s clear that the impact of this evolution is apparent everywhere. However, the events industry is one of the most obvious...

Business News

5 Unique Time Management Hacks That Have Been Proven to Work

Modern reliance on technology by most companies today means that the same devices that we use for work are also where we get our distractions. Some say it's not your...

Business News

25 Google Calendar Tips to Master Your Schedule

When you have a busy life that includes work tasks, school assignments, and home chores, Google Calendar can help you keep everything organized. Check these straightforward, simple 25 tips for...

Business News

In 2022, Time Management in the Workplace will be Critical.

Working professionals can’t get enough of the All You Wanted To Know About Time movement. So let’s go over the significance of workplace time management. How much scheduling software do...